Vieques Bioluminescent Bay – aka – BioBay


One of the must-sees on Vieques is the bioluminescent bay aka BioBay at Mosquito Bay on the southern shore of Vieques. You could also call it a bucket list item. The water in this bay contains small little micro-organisms called dinoflagellates (dinos). They produce a bright blue greenish light when shaken or when they come in contact with other organisms. The shallow depth of the bay and the mangroves around it create a one of kind eco-system where these organisms thrive.

It's a unique experience in the brightest bioluminescent bay in the world. Please don't leave Vieques without seeing it. It's just magical.

The best time to go and experience it is during a New Moon. The darker outside the better the experience is. Tours will pick you up right outside the Malecon House hotel. Please feel free to ask the front desk at Malecon House to help you book the BioBay trip.

Below is a video that Mike Corey did earlier this year using special video equipment. It gives you a great idea of what to expect, but it doesn't come close to the real experience. We are sure you are going to love it. You can't leave Vieques and Malecon House without seeing this natural wonder. We insist!

Malecon House BioBay

Vieques #somuchtosee